
EMAF Institute for Postal Studies

Creating educational tools and information that can be used to inform the paper-based communication industry

2023 U.S. Mailing Industry Economic Job and Revenue Study

The U.S. Mailing Industry is the economic powerhouse that accounts for 7.9 million jobs and 1.9 trillion in sales revenue. Learn how this industry impacts every American, household, and community.

Economic Job and Revenue Study

This study analyzes the most recent information (2022) collected by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in its Occupation Employment Statistics program on employment by occupation and industry, U.S. Census Bureau, United States Postal Service, and Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Affairs. 

Postal Transformation

Throughout the world there is growing pressure to transform the traditional postal model as competition has increased the economic pressure on the traditional posts. Along with recent depressed economic trends, competition has had a negative impact on revenue; and at the same time, increased cost pressures in the labor intensive and traditionally inefficient posts has squeezed margins. Postal transformation is, therefore, one of the most important issues facing our industry. This section contains studies, articles, surveys, linkages and presentations relative to this issue.

IPS Documents