
EMAF Institute for Environmental Studies

The mission of the Institute is to create tools and information that can be used to educate the paper-based communications industry

The envelopes we manufacture are made with sustainable paper products used every day by millions of people. These products are made from renewable resources and are one of the most recyclable items on the planet.
  • Over 90% of envelopes are recyclable
  • Envelopes are the most recyclable product in the mail, and household
  • Envelopes are part of the circular economy

In 2021, we recovered more than 50 million tons of paper for recycling and the paper recycling rate was 68%. That’s a rate on par with the highest paper recycling rate previously achieved. – AF&PA

Paper & the Environment

Paper has a positive environmental story to tell and IES works to educate EMA members and the public.

Film & the Environment

Window Film is an important part of many envelopes and IES seeks to educate EMA members and the public on how to minimize their environmental impact.

Seal Glue & the Environment

Seal gum is an essential part of every envelope and IES seeks to educate EMA members and the public on how to minimize its environmental impact.

Institue for Environmental Studies

The IES creates tools and information that can be used to educate the paper-based communications industry and external constituencies on environmental issues.  These areas of interest include:

  • Recycling
  • Deforestation
  • Climate Change – greenhouse gas emissions, specifically issues surrounding current legislation
  • Energy Consumption
  • Environmental Certifications
IES Documents
EPR Resources

Helpful Resources